Thursday, October 8, 2009


We interveiwed a friend of Elika's and wrote a mock-personal statement about her.
Here goes.

Novalena Betancourt is a slight, very pretty young woman, with dark hair and eyes. She smiles with her whole face, giving the impression of an effortlessly happy person.

But Novalena says her biggest challenges in life are keeping a positive attitude and staying balanced, so much so that she’s decided to make that the focus of her second book, “The Total Female Package”. She summarizes it with five simple words: Authenticity, Growth, Love, Relationships, and Connection.

Novalena says she learned this lesson from her father, the son of Puerto Rican immigrants. His parents, her grandparents, urged him to get a job as a janitor, but he decided instead to put himself through school and is now a successful computer technician.

Taking her cue from him, Novalena plans to turn her book into an entire franchise, including (hopefully) a TV show on the Oprah network that would focus on helping women achieve their dreams using Novalena’s method and her five values: Authenticity, Growth, Love, Relationships, and Connection.

What is most striking about Novalena is the vitality and passion she brings to everything she does, and her obvious love for working with people. She wants to eventually raise a big family with both children of her own and adopted children. Novalena says that the biggest lesson she wants to impart to her children (when she has them) , is the same one that she is learning from her parents and the same one that she wants to tell the world with her book: “Love yourself.”